Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Leaving North Carolina

Well, it has been fun. Jesse's b-day has lasted for about a week and it is finally running down. We celebrated it at the greatest place on earth...the Flying Saucer. This place has over 100 beers on tap. After this post I promise there will be more sights and scenery of our country, but for now you get generic bar pics. ENJOY!


RicaSuave4 said...

Big up's to Jesse's b-day! HOLLLAAAAAA, SON! Also, I am fearful about the pics to be published when I come to Colorado. I may have you all sign a disclosure of sorts...did you know my dad is a lawyer? I think you did...In other news, DAMMMMMMN, Monica! Your hair be lookin fine! What the helll kinda conditioner you be usin? Hook a sista up? I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS! WORK SUCKS!

ps-I have an interview tommorrow. Sweet! The job? Recruiting contruction workers. What, you forsee problem?? HUSH YO MOUF!

RicaSuave4 said...

PPS- matt, i am totally stealing that hat when you're passed out.